Amir Nobandegan

Game Developer

Application Developer

Software Developer

Project Manager


Company overview

VRpsytech distinguishes itself in the technology landscape by focusing exclusively on virtual reality (VR) applications that serve practical, educational, and therapeutic purposes. Unlike traditional VR ventures centered around gaming, VRpsytech innovates within the realm of VR to address real-world challenges across various sectors.

The company's project portfolio spans a wide array of applications, including phobia treatment, ADHD management, relaxation and meditation, driving training simulations, and virtual classrooms and conferences. Each project underlines VRpsytech's commitment to leveraging VR technology beyond entertainment, aiming to enrich lives, enhance learning experiences, and offer groundbreaking solutions in mental health and education.

With a clear vision for the future and a dedication to making a tangible impact, VRpsytech is at the forefront of transforming virtual reality applications into valuable tools for society.

Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT) Platform

The VRT platform represented a fusion of technological innovation and therapeutic insight, aimed at delivering effective treatments for various conditions through virtual reality. My contributions were pivotal in shaping this platform into a versatile and impactful therapeutic tool.

  • Custom Therapeutic Environments: Recognizing the importance of environment in therapy, I designed and developed a wide range of virtual environments tailored to specific therapeutic goals. This included serene landscapes for relaxation and meditation, detailed urban and natural settings for phobia exposure therapy, and engaging activity-based scenarios for ADHD treatment.

  • Dynamic Content Creation: To ensure the therapeutic content remained engaging and effective, I implemented a system that allowed for the dynamic creation and modification of environments and activities. This system enabled therapists to tailor sessions to the evolving needs of their patients, making therapy a more personalized and responsive process.

  • Real-time Monitoring and Adjustment: A key innovation was the integration of real-time monitoring tools within the VRT platform. I developed interfaces that allowed therapists to observe patient responses and adjust the virtual environment or activity difficulty in real-time. This capability ensured that therapy could be conducted at the optimal pace and intensity for each patient, maximizing therapeutic efficacy.

  • Hardware Integration for Physiological Monitoring: Understanding the importance of physiological feedback in therapy, I spearheaded the integration of custom hardware with the VRT platform. This included devices for monitoring heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels, providing therapists with valuable data on the patient's physical response during therapy sessions.

  • User-Friendly Interface for Therapists and Patients: To make the VRT platform accessible to a broad audience, I focused on designing user-friendly interfaces. These interfaces simplified the process of navigating virtual environments and engaging with therapeutic activities, making the platform suitable for users of all ages and technical abilities.

  • Feedback and Progress Tracking: I implemented a comprehensive feedback system that recorded patient progress over time. This feature provided therapists and patients with tangible evidence of improvement, reinforcing the positive impact of therapy and motivating continued engagement with the treatment process.

Car Driving Training Simulation

In the development of the car driving training simulation, my aim was to create a comprehensive and immersive learning experience that could rival actual driving lessons. Here's how I achieved this:

  • Fully Simulated Driving Experience: Leveraging Unreal Engine, I crafted a virtual environment that replicated the complexities and nuances of real-world driving. This included simulating vehicle dynamics, such as acceleration, braking, and steering, to give users a realistic sense of control and movement.

  • Interactive Training Modules: I developed a series of step-by-step interactive training sessions within the VR environment. These modules guided users through the basics of car operation, from starting the engine to complex maneuvers, ensuring a gradual learning curve that matched individual progress.

  • Rule-Based Learning: To instill a deep understanding of traffic laws and driving etiquette, I integrated interactive scenarios that taught driving rules. Users encountered various traffic situations requiring them to apply what they learned, reinforcing knowledge through practical application.

  • Assessment and Feedback: I implemented a system for evaluating user performance, providing immediate feedback on their driving skills and knowledge of driving rules. This feature allowed users to identify areas for improvement and practice specific skills within the simulation.

Virtual Classroom and Conference Platform

Recognizing the potential of VR to transform educational delivery, I spearheaded the development of a platform tailored for universities and schools, enabling them to conduct sessions in a virtual space. My contributions included:

  • Customizable Virtual Environments: I created a variety of virtual classroom and conference settings, allowing institutions to choose and customize environments that best suited their teaching style and subject matter. This flexibility enhanced the learning atmosphere and engagement.

  • Interactive Tools for Teachers and Students: To foster an interactive learning environment, I developed a suite of tools enabling teachers to present materials, interact with students, and conduct real-time assessments. Features such as virtual whiteboards, document sharing, and interactive quizzes were integrated to replicate the dynamics of a physical classroom.

  • Multi-User Platform with Realistic Interactions: I ensured the platform supported multiple users simultaneously, with avatars representing teachers and students. This included developing realistic interaction mechanics, such as voice communication and gesture recognition, to facilitate natural and engaging communication among participants.

  • Accessibility and Ease of Use: Understanding the diverse technical proficiency of users, I focused on creating an intuitive user interface. This ensured that participants could easily navigate the virtual environment, access materials, and engage with the session without technical barriers.


Innovative Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT) Platform Development:

  • Spearheaded the creation of an advanced Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT) platform, blending cutting-edge VR technology with therapeutic methodologies to offer personalized treatment for phobias, ADHD, and stress management. This platform has set a new standard in the field of mental health, offering immersive, interactive solutions that have demonstrated significant improvements in patient outcomes.

Revolutionized ADHD Treatment with Interactive VR:

  • Engineered a dynamic, engaging virtual world specifically designed for the treatment of ADHD in children and adults. By incorporating game mechanics validated by psychologists—such as balloon popping, bow and arrow activities, and color selection—I facilitated improved concentration and behavioral control, marking a significant advancement in non-pharmacological ADHD therapies.

Pioneered a VR-based Car Driving Training Simulator:

  • Developed a comprehensive car driving training simulator using VR, aimed at novice drivers. My work included creating a realistic driving environment with variable traffic scenarios, weather conditions, and interactive learning modules. This simulator has been recognized for its effectiveness in enhancing driving skills, road safety awareness, and reducing the rate of novice driver accidents.

Launched a Virtual Classroom and Conference Platform in VR:

  • Led the development of a pioneering virtual classroom and conference platform, designed to break down geographical barriers in education and professional development. By enabling real-time interaction in a fully immersive VR setting, the platform has transformed remote learning and collaboration, providing an engaging, effective alternative to traditional online education methods.

Achieved High Scalability and Optimization Across VR Applications:

  • Demonstrated expertise in optimizing VR applications for scalability and performance, ensuring smooth and accessible experiences for users across various hardware specifications. My focus on optimization has been crucial in accommodating large user bases, particularly for the multiplayer aspects of the VRT platform and the car driving simulator, supporting up to 100 players in a single session.

Developed Customizable and Interactive VR Content:

  • Created a wide range of customizable and interactive VR content, from therapeutic environments and educational simulations to engaging mini-games. This work not only enhanced user engagement across VRpsytech’s applications but also established new paradigms for interactive VR content, contributing to the company's reputation as an innovator in virtual reality technology.